
Showing posts from August, 2022

One drug kills 300 superbugs

American scientists have developed a drug that can be useful against superbugs.  Its name is fabimycin.  During research, it was found to be capable of killing hundreds of bacteria.  All these bacteria are resistant to common drugs. Superbugs are formed by taking too much medicine Every year 7 million people die from superbug infestation. A superbug is a bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is not resistant to antibiotics.  The main reason for a bacterium to become a superbug is to take an excessive amount of antibiotics.  The chromosomes of normal bacteria break down the protein molecules of the antibiotic drug and develop resistance against them. According to the Daily Mail report, 7 million people die every year due to superbug infestation.  It should be taken as seriously as global warming. Drug Fabimycin, effective on more than 300 superbugs, is a man-made drug, which was first tested on rats.  Scientists found that it cured drug-resistant pneumonia and urinary tract infection